Passerelle eco
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Passerelle Eco

le 13 August 2007



A living workshop in ecobuilding and practical ecology

A Living Workshop

Association Passerelle Eco is located in the Morvan Forest of Burgandy.

Our base of operatons is an old farmhouse, which serves as both office, workshop and living quarters. In all, the site contains a documentation center, an office for our quarterly review, permanent housing for the host family, a workshop, a garden and guest space.

Simplicity and sustainability define our lifestyle here at the eco-workshop. We think about what we truly need and act accordingly. We try, as best we can, to consume local , natural foods, products and materials.

 Our farmhouse is being renovated with « living » materials (straw, bale, cob, hemp, etc.)
 Four solar panels with a total of 0.2 kwh provide 80% of our electrical needs
 We have an organic garden where we experiment with permaculture methods
 We study and practice non-violent communication

Thus, our eco-construction workshop is a place for both experimentation and applicaton of the practices described in our quarterly review.

Discover EcoBuilding (Eco-Construction)

To share the adventure, we invite you to come and participate. All those interested in practical ecology, experienced or novice, are welcome.

Passerelle Eco’s summer program is dedicated to our eco-construction workshops. Over the course of the summer, paricipants will become familiar with various natural construction materials and techniques. This training takes place within a convivial atmosphere of sharing and discovery.

Construction techniques include
 insulating walls with hemp, hemp shavings and lime
 insulating floors with wood shavings
 masonry with lime coating
 framing with wood
 fabricating banchage with mud-straw-hemp-lime

The workshops are appopriate for anyone with basic do-it-yourself skills (as well as for those willing and able to give it a try.) Those already familiar with traditional building or eco-construction are welcome and appreciated, as well.

Participants might also visit nearby eco-projects, and lend a hand, if needed. In addition to construction activities at Passerelle Eco, we enjoy sharing our various talents and interests, be they artistic, corporal, etc.

Contact us for the next workshop or for other days

Permaculture & Practical Ecology Workshops

In synergie with the issues discussed in the Passerelle Eco review, themed-workshops explore concrete applictions of ecological « best practices. »
 permaculture and organic gardening
 solar ovens (basic and parabolic) workshops
 natural foods conservation/lactofermentation
 solar power basics
 making your own sling baby-carrier
 cooperative play, for kids and adults
 building a bicycle-powered washing machine
 wellness and holistics

Alternative kindergarden

We wellcome 3years to 6 years old kids with their parents so as to spend some time with Lena, and create some Montersori materials.



Earth mail : Passerelle Eco, Passerelle Eco
2 rue du Dr Alcide Maurin
26400 Crest, France

Email : send us an email

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le site de l'écovillage global des lecteurs et annonceurs de la revue Passerelle Éco


Parc Ludique d'Éducation à l'Environnement (Lieux d’Activités dans le 31)

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